On a bed of stars, there she stood, A vision of poise and womanhood. And all who gazed upon her in wonder, Bowed down amidst the rain and thunder.
And from her arms, her ears, and her . . .
On a bed of stars, there she stood, A vision of poise and womanhood. And all who gazed upon her in wonder, Bowed down amidst the rain and thunder.
And from her arms, her ears, and her neck, Hung luminescent jewels one won't forget. For they were born from the finest land, And were crafted with the best of hands.
In all her grace and all her power, She paved a way through the meteor shower. The jewels across her silhouette shone bright, A force undefeated, a seraphic sight
The Sun and the Moon in attendance knew, That gems like these were rare and few. Awakened to the beauty of all before her,
The Earth emerged in song and colour.